People Talk About:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Can't Afford Christmas Gifts This Year? These Tips Will Help

Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time, but if you're on a tight budget it can become anything but. Giving gifts at Christmastime doesn't have to be a burden. Here are some tips to help lighten the financial load of Christmas gift buying.

Draw names. If you give gifts to tons of different people on the same side of the family or within the same group of friends, suggest drawing names. You can set a reasonable limit of $25-$30 per gift and each person will just get one nice gift, rather than several smaller ones. Most people are happy to draw names for Christmas gifts since this helps out everyone involved financially.

Try homemade gifts. While making homemade gifts doesn't always save you money, with some careful planning homemade gifts can be both economical and well-received. Leftover yarn used to make a fun scarf for your niece, or some tasty homemade banana bread for your hard-to-buy for uncle make great Christmas gifts that won't break the bank.

Shop early. When you see something on sale that would work well as a Christmas gift for someone, buy it, no matter how early it is! The best Christmas bargain shoppers even start a whole year in advance when everything goes on clearance right after the holiday season. Pick a place in your basement, garage, or a closet for storage and stash all of your gifts there. Just don't forget to take inventory periodically so you don't end up duplicating any gifts.

Save throughout the year. Saving a small amount of money each month in a "Christmas fund" (a hidden place in your home for cash works fine) is a great way to make holiday shopping completely hassle free when it comes to finances. You'll probably never miss $15-$20 each month, but that money will make a huge difference come Christmas shopping season.

Eliminate some gifts. If you give gifts to everyone you've ever met, consider eliminating some of your gift recipients. Often people only give Christmas gifts out of obligation because they received one from you and feel it is necessary. If there are some extended relatives or less-than-close friends that you still exchange gifts with, try politely letting them know that you're paring down your Christmas gift giving and you've opted just to send cards to everyone but very close friends and family. Most people will be very accepting of that news and possibly even relieved.

Try these tips to stop fretting about Christmas shopping financial woes and start enjoying the wonderful celebration that is Christmas.


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